Monday, November 4, 2013

3 Rules for Bedtime Reading by Melanie Mayo and Marcy Axness

I wanted to share THIS article from The authors share 3 rules (which they later suggest are "more like guidelines") for bedtime reading in addition to some GREAT information about the reasoning behind them. I have quoted below the three rules and paragraphs explaining them and have, as usual, highlighted my favorite portions and added my own commentary in green.

Rule #1:  Choose Beauty, Reverence & Wonder
There is a mind-numbingly massive selection of so-called children's literature out there, and my first 2 rules will help you cut through the glut in making your choices of which books to share with your child. Although this post was inspired by last week's Flavorwire list of "50 Books Every Parent Should Read to Their Child" and there are indeed several of our family favorites in there, I cannot vouch for the fact that all 50 meet my Rule #1 criteria: the book must feature beauty (as opposed to just cleverness) in the illustrations, especially in the depiction of the human form. So many illustrations portray people in caricatured, exaggerated and even grotesque ways, which has a subtly discouraging effect upon a child’s psyche.  The so-called "children's book" that first comes to mind when she mentions grotesque depiction of the human form is No, David! which probably doesn't meet any of the criteria of a good book for any time of day. The illustrations in that book have a discouraging effect on my psyche!
Also, the story and its illustrations should draw on wonder, imagination, and reverence for its subject. (I have written much here on the importance of wonder in the life of the young child.) Countless books that purport to be for children feature overly adult perspectives and tones, such as irony or sarcasm. (Sarcasm is poison to the soul of a young child, who cleaves to goodness, kindness and wonder.) And whatever you read together before bed are impressions your child will take into his or her sleep and dreams.
Rule #2:  Choose Books You Like
When you read to your child books that you enjoy, your little one will be nurtured by the resonance you feel with the story and illustrations. Also, through the never-to-be-underestimated power of example, if you are forcing yourself to read something that doesn't appeal to you, you shouldn't be surprised if not so many years from now your child is resistant to reading!
Rule #3:  Offer Conversation, Not Interrogation
This is probably the trickiest rule of the three. It will require that you really put some mindfulness into action while reading with your child. While research overwhelmingly demonstrates the value of reading to children, there is a slight catch:
"...being read to does not by itself automatically lead to literacy. The real link seems to lie in the verbal interaction that occurs between adult and child during story reading (Snow 1996). Since children learn language by actively constructing meaning (Vgotsky 1962; Lindfors 1987), the seeds of literacy lie in the social construction of meaning around print, that is, the talk—“scaffolding,” explaining, clarifying—between the reader and child listener as they look at, point to, and label objects, and discuss print and its meaning." [Click here for more info]

The key here is to avoid the pitfall of slipping into what I call "interrogation mode" with your child--peppering him with endless questions like a running pop quiz. I remember our R.I.E. teacher explaining that it is the child's role to ask questions of the parent, not the other way around. But what do we parents so often do? We love to see and hear our child demonstrate her precocious brilliance, so we drill her: "Where's George?" "What did he put on his head?" "What color is it?"

There are a couple of issues here. First of all, this isn't the most fruitful approach to interacting with your child, and it can have the opposite effect as you'd like over time: rather than opening up and chatting with you, he may clam up. Because there's a subtle disrespect inherent in the interrogation mode, and it can erode your child's trust in you. I know at least one person who reads this may feel that that last statement is too broad- and I would agree. I don't think that there is always a "subtle disrespect" in interrogation mode, but I think the tendency is something to be cautious and aware of.  

While I'm not a fan of the treat-your-small-child-like-an-adult school of thought, in this case it has merit. Imagine sharing an interesting story with an adult you like and respect. Let's say you're reading it at the same time on a computer screen. Could you imagine quizzing them like we do our kids? Of course not! Instead, you might share an impression or insight or puzzlement you have about the story, and see what they think about it. You might engage in some open-ended dialogue about some of the meanings behind the characters' actions or what they might have been feeling. That's the same way we can more richly interact with our children about the books we read with them.

Another issue, though, is that bedtime reading is a time for DE-escalating stimulation, including mental stimulation. The time for engaging in lively discussion over the meaning of stories is sometime else during the day. This depends a lot on your child; some kids have no problem shifting from mental high-gear into readiness for sleep, but I think that's unusual. Bedtime reading (in my humble opinion) is more of a slow-paced, dreamy-time mode that serves as your child's soft gateway to sleep. Books I used for our children's bedtime reading often had the quality and pacing of a lullaby. Goodnight Moon is of course one of the best examples of this. A lesser-known one that was one of our favorites in this style is The Midnight Farm.

I hope to keep these "guidelines" in mind as I continue the rich tradition of bed-time-stories that I loved so much as a child.

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